Poi circles with glowsticks
Nice image made while performing Poi. Poi is a form of juggling 'Impartial Art' with balls on ropes, held in the hands and swung in various circular patterns, similar to club-twirling. It was originally practiced by the Māori people of New Zealand (the word poi means "ball" in Māori). Women and men used it to increase flexibility, strength, and coordination. It developed into a traditional performance art practiced mostly by women. This art, in conjunction with others including waiata a ringa, haka and titi torea, make up the performance of kapa haka (Māori culture groups).
Glow in the dark poi are available from a number of places, as are glow in the dark gloves, UV-sensitive poi and poi containing LED lights that make them shine. Different types of poi can be used to create different effects, depending on the setting. Poi containing small strobes, for instance, can be used to create special effects.
By far the simplest method used is a glow stick. Glow stick poi are popular at festivals and raves, and some brands of glow stick even come with ribbons in the packets, which many find to be ideal.