martes, 22 de mayo de 2007

King Tut exhibition 'racist'

Reconstruction of the face of Tutankamun. Image 2 Boy George. But looks more like he got wacked by molten chocolate or something.

You must be kidding me. Why do they always have to bring the racial issue up? Actually i think it's inappropriate as well. His short life was already dramatic enough. Can we please leave him in peace for a change? They talk about a reconstructed image. So let's put that and Boy Georges together. Then you tell me. They look alike????

"A travelling exhibition on King Tutankhamun drew about 50 protesters in Philadelphia who denounced the popular display as racist.

Molefi Asante, a professor of African-American studies at Temple University, led the demonstration on Sunday outside the Franklin Institute, claiming the exhibit has no mention of Africa and that it suggests the ancient Egyptian king was white.

Asante, who is also president of the Association of Kemetic Nubian Heritage, specifically pointed to a representation of Tut that "looks more like Boy George than the boy king".

A spokesperson for the Franklin Institute said images of Tut vary throughout the museum.

In response to the protest, the museum will hold a symposium this summer at which scholars and experts will discuss forensic evidence relating to King Tut.

Similar protests have been held in other US cities where the exhibit has appeared."
