Map of our neighborhood (Flores)
Our specific barrio or neighborhood is 8.1 square kilometers or 5 square miles for those who don't use the metric system. The boundaries of Flores are the roads: Portela, Cuenca, Av. Gaona, Av. Tte. Gral. Donato Alvarez, Curapaligüe, Av. Directorio, Av. Carabobo, Av. Castañares, Torres y Tenorio, Av. Riestra, Av. Perito Moreno, Av. Castañares, Lacarra, Av. Tte. Gral. Luis J. Dellepiane.
The latest figures i have is that there are about 150.000 inhabitants (data 2005). I estimate that it is now about 155.000. A bit more women then men. It's about 55% to 45%.
We house a large Korean community in our area. That has to do with tax privileges. Many come here, start a business, make a lot of money and return to Korea. Of course their children being born in Argentina often wish to stay. You see much Korean supermarkets and textile shops. Especially the Korean Supermarkets are easily recognized because they often have the front blue or yellow painted. I should make a picture of it one day to post here for you to see.
Here is the map. I live in Culpina. Where that is? Click on it and find it!