jueves, 3 de enero de 2008

New Years

Well into the New Year and no post yet. OMG!

Again i was not in The Netherlands for the change of the year. I thought about it. Last year BA (summer), before that Netherlands (winter), before that BA (summer), 2003 Netherlands (winter). And the most recent one Antwerp (Belgium) (winter). Next year summer again? Where will it be?

Antwerp was a lot of fun. Came up just before the 31st. And a first timer too. Hang out with a Second Life friend for the first time. Although i am used to meet people i first met over the internet it still was kinda weird. U play the game, do almost everything unlike chat and suddenly u meet up. :)

We hang out in an Irish pub mostly. With real Irish staff. No, no Guiness for me! But the usual wine and later Baileys on the rocks. That was a good combination looking back. hehe

And now back to SL again. And that's also a bit weird. Because now you have a memory and a face of someone you now meet again purely virtual.

The club is doing fine. We have hired new staff and are able to get some more freedom. It's pretty time consuming a club. As in real life. But people have fun and that's the first thing!

How was ure New Year celebrations? Leave a comment. Would be happy to hear!