lunes, 2 de abril de 2007

Día del Veterano de Guerra y los Caídos en las Islas Malvinas

Today is Malvinas Day: a public holiday here. Also a special one since it is 25 years since Argentina went into Las Malvinas (Falklands) and effectively started the Falklands War. This is a very sensitive subject here still. For Argentines there is no question that Las Malvinas are part of Argentina and thus it is also taught so at school. By all means don't call it the Falkland Islands. If you do you are in for some heated words. It's comparable to the Palestinian - Israeli conflict in the sense that you cannot have a normal debate about it. You always end in an argument. There is no neutral middle ground. Want to read more about this specific day 25 years ago read here. If you want to read about the war in general read here. What is not so commonly known is that there was talk about using a nuclear device on Buenos Aires if necessary at that time. There would have been nothing standing here.