sábado, 17 de marzo de 2007

New comet, nice name

Comets always get the name of the one(s) who find it. This guys name is Lovejoy. So the comets name is also Lovejoy. Something else than Halebopp :)


"On March 15th, Terry Lovejoy of Thornlands, Australia, discovered a new comet (C/2007 E2) in the southern constellation Indus. Remarkably, to make the find he used not a telescope but just a camera--a Canon 350D. At Lovejoy's request, John Drummund of Gisborne, New Zealand, confirmed the comet with this photo taken through a 0.41-m reflector:

The new comet is green, 9th-magnitude, and located approximately at right ascension 20h 42m 55s, declination -50o 43' 14" (ref: International Astronomical Union Circular 8819). A detailed ephemeris is not yet available, so it is impossible to say how bright Comet Lovejoy will become--or even which way it will go. Stay tuned for updates."